Food varieties That Are Highly Recommended For Those Who Like Eating But Do Not Want To Gain Any Weight

Your whole wellbeing is straightforwardly connected with your capacity to keep a nutritious eating regimen. Before you can start to get more fit, you should initially be in shape and keep a nutritious eating regimen. Your dietary patterns affect your weight reduction or weight gain, as per study. To get the advantages of your exercises, …

Background needs

As far as my background needs are concerned, I have a diverse background with studies of science, biology, management, and humanities. Currently, I am pursuing a Masters in International Development and co-operation from a mid-western university located in Nepal. I have to submit a thesis before completion of the masters’ academic course. Regarding my admission …

Review of Amartya Sen: Freedom of choice -concept and content

Freedom of choice : Concept and content. In this lecture, Amartya Sen gave profound argument regarding freedom; its concept and different ways of valuing it. He addressed economic issues in terms of  freedom of choice and seeing it through basic economic notions as individual  well beings, social welfare, living standard, consistent choice and rational behavior …