Friday, October 18, 2024

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Health and fitnessweight loss intent

Three morning errors, according to medical professionals, that aggravate inflammation and weight gain

Your ability to lose or maintain weight depends on how you begin each morning, in addition to how you feel overall. We have you covered if your objective is to avoid weight gain, indigestion, and inflammation while prioritizing your gut health. For three typical morning mistakes to avoid for a healthier metabolism and digestion, we consulted with doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and other health professionals. Continue reading for advice, suggestions, and perspective from registered dietitian Lisa Richards, author of The Candida Diet, Dana Ellis Hunnes, PhD, MPH, RD, a senior dietitian at UCLA Medical Center, and Dr. Daniel Boyer, MD, a health expert and writer at Farr Institute.

  1. Not eating breakfast
    The adage that breakfast is the “most important meal of the day” may have been repeated often, but Boyer thinks it’s vital to emphasize because it’s accurate. He emphasizes that you should eat breakfast right away because neglecting it can result in hormonal imbalances and blood sugar spikes that can cause bloating and inflammation. He points out that by setting aside time for a daily meal, you are immediately supporting a better, more reliable digestion. According to Boyer, waking up hungry and then satisfying that hunger is a fantastic indication of a good metabolism. He also advises “choosing a whole grain-rich breakfast with protein and fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer and reduce cravings later in the day.” Due to this, he adds that doing this will aid in preventing weight gain. When preparing your first meal of the day, fruits that are “low in sugar and high in fiber” are a fantastic place to start. Boyer says, “High-fiber fruits help support good digestion and regularity (which can also contribute to less bloating), while low-sugar fruits can help prevent blood sugar surges that can cause bloating and cravings later in the day. Boyer includes “berries, apples, pears, plums, peaches, figs, kiwis, coconuts, and bell peppers” as some examples of these fruits.
  2. Consuming sweet pastries
    Choosing a sugary pastry, cereal, or other pleasure for your first meal will result in energy dips and hunger later on, Hunnes advises, as breakfast is important for your energy levels for the remainder of the day. She emphasizes that this might also result in weight gain because you’ll feel the need to sate desires if you weren’t initially satisfied by breakfast. According to Hunnes, sweet pastries prepared with refined carbohydrates are the worst breakfast option in terms of inflammation and weight gain. Ultra-processed carbs, which are typically found in packaged foods like pastries like Pop-Tarts, energy bars, and pastries, are the least beneficial type of carbohydrates to consume, according to Hunnes. The fact that these carbs offer little nutritional benefit and frequently lack vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory ingredients makes them bad for anyone over the age of 40, she says. Hunnes cautions caution, stating that this is bad for metabolism as it causes “spikes in insulin, elevations in IGF-1, an inflammatory marker, and raises risk for chronic diseases and deposition (fat store)” of calories in the body. She suggests adding your favorite “fiber-filled fruit” to your “dish of oatmeal” if you still want a sweet flavor in the morning because “fiber can prevent and lessen inflammation by keeping the G.I. track flowing.” By “attracting water into the gut and making the excrement softer,” she claims, it accomplishes this.
  3. Sweetening or Adding Heavy Creamers to Your Coffee
    Hunnes claims that drinking coffee on its own is beneficial for metabolism and digestion since it promotes regular, steady, and easy digestion as well as “helps with bloat because it induces peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.” Boyer continues by saying that a cup of black coffee also contains “good antioxidants” and that its caffeine can provide you the energy you need to get through the morning. Richards cautions that adding a sugary creamer or several sweeteners will add unnecessary calories that can impede your efforts to lose weight and cause inflammation and discomfort. ” Most coffee consumers add milk or creamer to their coffee to improve the flavor and creamy texture, she agrees that “adding creamer is also a way calories, sugar, and fat creep into our diet and it adds up quickly. the sometimes bitter and acidic drink,” she says. Although Richards emphasizes that this does not imply that everyone should sip their coffee black, it would be wise to stay away from some coffee creamers. Always check the nutrition and ingredient labels for information on fat, calories, and added sugar, she recommends. Richards advises that it is ideal to stay away from all added sugar, but 1-2 grams should be your maximum. Richards also explains that refined sugar, often known as table sugar, is a sort of sugar that is bad for your stomach and weight for a variety of reasons. Sucrose is a form of sugar that is both extremely inflammatory and a food supply for harmful gut bacteria, according to her. According to Richards, inflammation and an expansion of dangerous gut bacteria will have a negative impact on numerous bodily systems’ health. Despite the fact that it occurs naturally, artificial or commercially manufactured sugar should be avoided as much as is practical. Monk fruit might be a terrific choice for individuals who prefer their coffee sweet, she advises. Richards claims that monk fruit extract is “essentially calorie-free” and includes amazing chemicals that are 300–400 times sweeter than cane sugar. This says that it “won’t influence blood sugar levels or cause tooth decay.” Nice to know!