Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Writer's Craft – For all Aspiring Writers

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Just an opinion ( 2nd post)

Just an opinion (2nd post )

Today in this evening, I am surfing through the face book post in which I encountered with video posting by people giving their opinions. I feel if I don’t know anything about the topic, then it will be totally misleading and disastrous consequences. One thing is sure, my mind will blow up for the sake of nothing. Just nothing!

First video post on recent accident in which a scooter driving person was killed by the huge loaded truck. Only few would have seen the CCTV footage, I guess. I am sure, if those outrageous people on the street would have seen the footage before making up mind hearing just words of passerby, I am sure that would be different case. Completely different scene than on what people were saying about the time and incident on the road.

I remembered one of the game we had played during communication training. When the information is being passed from one ear to the next ear and so on. The information tends to deviate the original meaning of the information. The last person who will get the information ultimately happens to be totally differently. It could be a laughable things while we know at the end. Such is the same case what might have happened here in Nepal. What might have happened to the ears of people how they received the information.

Second video post I encountered was about the suffering of a guy who went to the bank for changing his mobile number and he was asked to fill up the KYC form again. He went crazy and blabbering about the suffering on the video that it was unfair. In my opinion, it was a mere misinformation he received leading to suffering.

There could be many such posts. I have no idea what impact they are making in the society. Definitely, just misleading. What is the purpose behind such motives could be the subject of investigations.

There is an option for us to tell that we have a freedom of speech. We are free to write anything and I am on the same right that I could write my opinion on here, isn’t it? It should make a positive impact rather than negative misleading impact. That is what I want to say. Who does this filter? There should be filtration of those information bombardment. Definitely, an innocent will be misleading and will make a different concept on what the world is looking like, in particular children and school boys and girls. Even an adult could be distracted and lead to possess misleading concept of the topic they are searching for.

I have no other intention but just to express my opinion based on my experiences. I wonder if age matters for this. People may go for fun, but when things go wrong that is not good. Anything could be possible in the other side. Just check that right. I have to be serious to think like that.

Some may say, take it easy. Yes, in that case, it would be merely just my opinion.