Friday, October 18, 2024

Writer's Craft – For all Aspiring Writers

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Learning process

Revision of the lesson you learned.

Revision of the lesson:

Yes revision of the lesson is integral part of your learning process. Once  you learned anything today, you need to revise effectively for your retention in your memory. May be you retain 25 percent of your lesson learned in a day and the next day, even lesser. If you see the graph of your memory retention, it is always a slope downward as the time progresses. Better you revise the lesson learned once for the first time in first 5 mins, then after 30 mins, then after 2 hours and every night before you sleep. After sleep when you wakes up, revise again.And in a week and in a month and so on. This will keep your memory better in order to be exactly original what have you learned later.

Revision process
Revision process

I ask you: is this possible to do this process?  Yes! this is possible. Most students of medical, engineering, mathematics students frequently do this process of revision in the universities. Since it is the only process to get revised effectively when you have learned something new.

Visualisation process of remembering:

To revise mentally. visualising is the key to organise and make your brain active on the things you want to remember later. The process involves to make you feel a reality of future which you will be going to perform later. Visualising; it may feel you  like day dreaming if you are doing at the middle of the group discussion, but things get normal once you practise often and will become quicker.

Visualising like you are doing the things right here mentally will actually do better while at performing in reality. So, you will remember better every time you visualize on your backyard.

Better choose a safe place to sit like inside a library or a park. You can practise visualising walking way to home or work. While sitting inside a cafeteria or canteen while eating, be careful not to chock yourself. Better choose a peace and quiet place since it will be effective visualising things in those calm places.

How do you do while you revise?

While revising, keep your pace a bit faster than your normal reading. Since you don’t want to spent a lot of time just revising and faster revising will not make you bored. Better keep points and head lines at front. Do your intricate work into segregation of your points. Make Mind maps handy linking each other main points together. Linking better is the key to remember everything and revise them with your visualisation faster.

Make your brain active everyday:

Revision makes your brain active every day. It reorganises every time you freshly revise yourself the lesson you have learned. To make your brain active, I won’t remain silent without mentioning the brain foods like omega 3 fatty acid, selenium, vitamin B 12, and of course not the least, glucose.  Not only these I mentioned but a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins which are required for normal functioning of your daily requirement of your body. Regular exercise is the key for every fit and quick mental activities as every 20 mins of regular exercise in the morning will make you fresh through out the whole day and never forget to walk at least 100 steps after you have lunched in the morning.

Why I made a post about revision is that while learning anything either it could your language lessons, reading any course books, or any  important things you are going to learn which is new,  revision makes it fun to be playing a role in your learning process.