A new year 2019 – a glimpse of thoughts flashing
A wonderful evening after the christmas eve had finished and start of the new year 2019 – we joined hands with joy and expecting a new venture whether it is at the personal frontier or far in the horizon of external relationships of ongoing our life. We grab goals, and review experiences and resolute the new solutions to our undefined journey. The outcast of skinny old trends to bring new bright blasting year in every moments of journey ahead.
We continue the ongoing pattern though we expect change in our lives. We walk and drive in the same direction although we want something better than this. This is normal we feel until we get the opportunity to grow and beat the waves of change. We grasp the time and figure out what we could do at this moment of a new year 2019. We must see the behind every curtains unfolds.
It’s the pattern we look of the past and see what we could do at this moment of new year.The usual ways is ofcourse to have drinks and eat out evening celebrating the next change of year. Some may indulge in books, youtubes, messengers, and facebooks. This is what we often are doing and the way we see and feel the presence of time that way. How differently did you do it? Is there any other ways we could celebrate the occasions? How about Mediating until the midnight and feel the incoming the new year time? How about watching sky for the stars at night?
One thing reminds me of saying, ” Whatever we do on the first day of the year, we generally remember it doing.” The way we feel remain till the next year and can be reviving whenever we have to. This simple act of celebrating makes the time memorable. So, how do you want to spend it? It’s always a carry over to the next setting aside some vivid memory that we are going to live with. Why it is that way? – for children basically can be a very special moment. And, for elders, the feathers on the hat reviving moments with some old memories.