Sunday, March 23, 2025

Writer's Craft – For all Aspiring Writers

WRITER'S CRAFT copyright © 2025


A foreign language – Spanish.

Spanish – a foreign language to me:

Yes, Spanish is a foreign language to me. I have been living in Nepal for 38 years of my life.  I speak English, Nepali, a bit Newari, and Spanish which I have been learning for three or four years of my life now. Since spanish is a foreign language to me I have been practising hard since my early phase of learning years. Still I feel missing something until I met Mr. Manuel Blanco, a professor of Spanish language from Madrid, Spain. I will be writing more about him on upcoming posts of my blog in this category. For now, I will be focusing on the language itself and dos’ and don’t kind of stuffs.

Since it’s a foreign language, I have to get accustomed with it fully before I really can make a difference in my way of expressing things in spanish. What do I do to get accustomed with it basically right? My first love with spanish was of course while listening to its beautiful songs – the spanish songs. I never understood at first hand though I loved the harmonious way of singing and the sounds of words that tingles my ears ,and still it does. Alma, the soul loves it. Though I couldn’t sing it like singer did, mentally I sang with it, I murmured some words and tried to catch with the tone the way the singer had sung. But , even though, I didn’t even understood what it really meant. Still I don’t know many of it, but the experiences are having being beautiful forever.

Before we really get into the language, we have to understand its basic structure which I have been doing by learning grammar. You can learn its grammar by any means but it has never been completed until you have been understood by the native spanish speakers. The intent we make to understand should be fully understood by the listener. While in your learning phase, you still need to make a complete sentence which have a meaning or a sense. A sentence with a proper structure conveys its meaning appropriately. This rule applies in any languages.

The sound how you pronounced while speaking plays a very crucial role on how you will be conveying your message. The pronunciation of spanish words are different to English pronunciation. I have been struggling hard to speak better in Spanish since my accent has been influenced more by English pronunciation.  The stress mark and the force that I have to make while enunciating the words are different in Spanish and English. You can be lucky in this case if you haven’t really got deeply accustomed into the way English people speaks, you can dive into Spanish pronunciation at first hand and get used to it. Whoever comes first, marks a distinct place into your memory, and this is true in my case.

My learning into spanish didn’t make a sense to me when I first discovered myself that the way I speak spanish wasn’t being understood by native spanish speaker, especially the spanish professor.  ” Open Your Mouth! ” This is the phrase I have been encountered several times, and speak with a proper structure to convey the meaning effectively. Use short sentences which will clarify the meaning clearly rather than speaking long and ambiguous sentences with no sense sometimes. For the sake of just talk, you can talk and make your sentences in anyway. But, for effective and proper convey of sense or meaning, you need to use and do the correct pronunciation and make structure of the sentences effectively.

After proper and correct convey of meaning while speaking and writing as well, we could go learning into Spanish literatures. In the century of gold, there were many excellent Spanish writers born, and Spanish literatures had been written. The most important of them were:

1. Miguel de Servantes : Don Quijote de la mancha

2. Lope de vegas : El cabellero del omledo

3. Fransico de quededor y villagas : El buscon ( con tilde a vocal o)

4. Fernando de Rojas : La celistina

5. Anonymous writer: La lazarillo de tormes