Dengue fever Mosquito
Environment, Life, Memoir

An experience with Dengue

My experience with Dengue infolds with basically three incidences. That makes the current experience with Dengue related recently with my wife seemed the ultimate or peak befall of karma? or life incidents with personal surroundings. Rumors about Dengue clarified to me with that experience. For Nepal, the spreading of Dengue news was a new incidence. …

Traveling changes your life
Learning process, Life

Traveling changes

Traveling changes in a Vacation enriches one’s life significantly through exposure to new experiences such that firstly, traveling changes the way how one thinks and teaches one to see things differently. Secondly, traveling enriches one about different knowledge of people, culture, and places, and thirdly traveling builds up one’s personal resilience towards anything one does; …

development, Life, Reading

Background needs

As far as my background needs are concerned, I have a diverse background with studies of science, biology, management, and humanities. Currently, I am pursuing a Masters in International Development and co-operation from a mid-western university located in Nepal. I have to submit a thesis before completion of the masters’ academic course. Regarding my admission …